Areas of Specialisation

Energy - Renewables

On this area we represent some of the biggest companies at all levels, ranging from the environmental and industrial licensing process, contracts, agreements with suppliers and the State, all the way to the establishment and operation of Renewable Sources Facilities, the security or real property, the defence against claims, challenges and appeals at all levels of administration and justice.


Our Law Firm represents, from older times and continuously until now, some of the biggest industrial companies of the country, particularly with respect to issues and actions related to licensing and claims on the following subjects:

  • Environment
    Apart from companies, our Law Firm represents Local Governments and individuals on environmental law related issues, both at the level of public administration as well as at judicial level
  • Forestry issues from an administrative and penal aspect (forestry maps, characterisations, appeals etc)
    We are one of the most experienced Law Firms on handling such cases at all levels, either at public administration level, or at judicial level
  • Legal support of companies and in particular industries and production facilities in licensing procedures (environmental, forestry, industrial, ports)
    We are on of the most experienced Law Firms on this subject as well and we represent some of the biggest industries of the country

Coast - Beachfront - Ports

Apart from representing big companies on these subjects and in particular on the subject of the determination and assignment of coastline and beachfront use permits and the establishment of ports, which are some of the most difficult subjects of business activity, our Law Firm has participated and participates in commissions established from time to time by “S.E.V.” (Hellenic Federation of Enterprises) for the reform of the corresponding legislation.

Industrial Areas And Parks

This is the area in which our Law Firm specialises the most, granted that we are involved, from the initial steps, with the establishment of the biggest Industrial Park in the country, which is at the same time a Purge Park of the informal Industrial gathering of Oinofyta - Asopos, but also the Industrial Park of Aspropyrgos.

Legislative Activity

On many matters of Industry, Coastline, Beachfront, Ports and Industrial Parks our Law Firm was assigned with the drafting, in collaboration with the competent authorities, of law plans, amendments, provisions, that have all been ratified.